
Showing posts from December, 2017

My Math Career

I can distinctly remember sitting at a desk during a scholarship interview saying, "I enjoy being challenged." I don't know if this was because I hadn't faced very many real academic challenges, because I hadn't, or if this was because it was really true for me then or if I just thought it would sound good to those across the table from me.  After many math courses, I can't say I enjoy every challenge, but I am more prepared for many that lie ahead.  I can describe my math career in three words: challenging, frustrating, and rewarding. There are so many reasons that it was challenging, and I can explain most of them.  A large reason that I was challenged was because these classes are simply not easy.  The effort I put into my high school courses ranged from literally none to not a lot.  My definition of literally none being taking an online accounting class which I took for the purpose of being able to rush over to the disc golf course which was about 10 m...